
Thursday, August 25, 2011

World Bank kept Nepal in the blacklist

World bank kept Nepal in the blacklist as it tops the lowest capacity for getting loan form international market.
The report published by world bank in Saturday kept Nepal in CCC+ .according to report CCC+ means high default risk (High risk for loan) .There will be problem in foreign direct investment and loans after rated as CCC+.
The rating is done by taking the reference of the gross national income(GNI),gross national product(GDP),export /loan ratio,deposit for import,movement of growth rate,devaluation of money fulfillment of legal obligations are the basis of the evaluation which indicated Nepal as poorest country and kept in black list .
But the government officials claims that the condition of Nepal is not poor as said by World bank.according to Mr. Keshav Acharya,ex-senior consultant of ministry of finance said that we have some weakness and it is not good reason for keeping in black list. he claims that due to lack of rule of law in the country may have bad impression in the report.
Till now Nepal hadnot taken large scale loan  from outer world expect world bank, International Monetary Fund(IMF) and Asian Development Bank(ADB) .There was delay in repayment of loan from the Russia .The so called  “Sovern” rating in the world bank report also indicates the economic development of the  the nation.International investor and lenders analyse the  and evaluate according to the sovern rating then they are going to lend money for any country.
The world economic forum also rated Nepal in 131 places In 2011.”This creates bad image of Nepal in international arena and threaten the small investor who are cooperating with Nepali investors.“ Said Economist prof.Dr. Bishombhar pyarakul.
According to report the condition is worst than that of Iraq.”This is responsible for the withdrawal of the previously committed international investments.” Mr.Pyarakul added.
He argued that such rating doesn't cause direct impact as Nepal had not any  big international investments but the possibility of future investment will become low.
According to report ,the rating creates “ceiling” for taking loan although the nation had not taken loan from international market.

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